Tuesday, April 7, 2009

check out thierry's XL street tracker work in progress

It's good to know I'm not the only XL600 Chopping lunatic. Check out Thierry Coup's Progress at: http://street-tracker.blogspot.com


  1. This is no excuse for you to take a week off just 'cause some other cat's got an XL street tracker.

    How's it been going, bike and otherwise?

  2. oh it's going okay. just got a lot of stupid shit at work i'm dealing with so not as much progress on the bike it seems. I've glued on some do-dads here and there. will post up by friday.

    i sure hope thierry attaches some struts to support the aft frame rails there...

  3. Oh yeah, about the frame rails, hah, so do I. I went out on a limb and bought my piston kit even though I have basically no money at all now. I wish I was caught up dealing with shit at work, that would mean I have a job. If the people I interviewed with today do not hire me, they are fools.

  4. what are they hiring for? I've found the converse usually applies to me: if the people I interview with DO hire me, they are fools.

    Best of luck on the job hunt.

  5. Nice looks, some inspiration there.

  6. hi thierry, i built the same project (street tracker)an my question is, did you changed any nozzle in the carburator because you changed the airbox to K&N filters? my adress kspr @gmx.de thank you for your response
