Saturday, February 25, 2012

quick picture frame in reclaimed redwood

Quick project here involving 4 sticks milled from old redwood siding that i've had drying out in my garage for the past 6 months.

Sarah found this 4'x6' map of california at the Oakland museum and wanted to spruce up our dining room with it. A tidy frame was on call. The choice of redwood is appropriate for the map, plus the wood is very pleasing to work. Its grain is very very fine. I'd estimate that this was old growth just given that the siding was quite beat up and had several layers of paint needing removal before final milling.

I used mitered bridle joints. wished I had a decent shoulder plane to help with the fitting

I chose a very subtle ornamentation for the corners, and knocked off the edges of the frame using a spokeshave and a smoothing plane.

The miters were gappier than I would like, but you can't see them from here.

1 comment:

  1. It's a fine job. I like the redwood with the CA map - excellent choice. The detail in the corners is sufficient and subtle. I wonder how the map is supported and then fastened to the frame. I see places on the map where I have flown. It is a very good map beautifully and quietly presented. Thanks for the look see.
