Friday, May 25, 2018

Curtis Buchanan Sackback Day 6

Six down, one to go. Today we worked on joining the arm rail to the seat. There's a tricky amount of geometry to figure out while reducing the organic geometry that this chair consists of, to angles that one can measure and/or drill a hole to. What is surprising is how well these tricks work at getting your joints to mesh up okay with one-another.

after a bit of spindle warm-up, we progressed to the arm rails. We pulled them from the jigs where they were drying in a kiln and cleaned them up a bit with planes, spokeshaves, card scrapers, sand paper, and Frank Zappa.
A bit of stuff happened and PRESTO
Here's Mark's, ready for take-off.
Rob is just off the lower spindle shaving ablutions and is seating his arm rail. all the chairs are looking good from here. the beautiful angles are hard to achieve in the shop, but that's what makes a comfortable chair. We did 11 hours today 8-7:30 with a small break for lunch. We're engrossed in the work even though it's hard.


  1. Hadn't figured Curtis for a Zappa fan.... or was this on a personal device?

    1. Hi Mike - i'm not sure if curtis is a zappa fan or not, but it was a topic of discussion this afternoon while we were working. you probably understand it'd be kind of weird to be wearing headphones in his workshop. I'd be loathe to miss something noteworthy (-:

  2. Awesome learning going on there - really enjoying your posts from Curtis's shop. Love those tiny little benches, too. And had the same thoughts about Zappa in the Buchanan shop ...

    1. Matt ,
      Curtis has a pdf for his workbench on his site..
