Tuesday, July 27, 2021

multimodal monitor tree V1

This is a continuation of a monitor tree concept that i've been working on for some time now. With the pandemic, I mostly worked from home, and having a mobile base for my system really made life a lot easier, allowing me to bring my system to a couch, or the kitchen, or the desk, or...

I've spent a lot of time over the year trying different hoisting mechanisms for my monitor tree prototype, finally settling on block-n-tackle (we'll get to that a bit later). It's time to begin work on the next version of this piece, focusing on a bit nicer finish and using sapele. Here's where the tree stands today

The feet are just half-lapped together. The angle that they're joined at is not square, but 96deg sweep at the front. this minimizes the depth of the piece and reduces chances of bumping my feet when i'm seated at a desk.

Lap joint was pretty tight

The Post is built up from 1/2" thick resawn wood, with some "plugs" at the ends from some redwood offcuts i had. The feet will be carefully finger-joined to the base. Sorry i forgot to take a photo with the thing apart to show what it looks like, but it's hollow on the inside. This also allows the possibility of a chase where i could run the power cord.

Here I'm using blue painter's tape to assist in the layout of scribe lines. Pencil does not show up well on dark wood. The battens you see clamped to the side will provide a way to secure the feet while i scribe the cut lines exactly

I use a Hock marking knife for this

the first cuts for the finger joint are fairly challenging. Try not to worry and just let the saw do the work.

Once i had the defining cuts made, i made a few progressive diagonal cuts with my saw to remove as much waste as possible. Here, i'm standing on one of my sturdy saw horses (-:

The finger joints mated with the feet better than i thought they would be. There are some very small gaps but with so much glue surface area, i don't think i have to worry about it coming apart.

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