Saturday, January 30, 2016

how about this drawer handle

overall length is 2,1/2", 1" deep, 7/8" high. Birch, done with a 3/4 straight cut router. Mind you this is going on shaker style drawer fronts.

Sarah likes them but i duno.


  1. Cool, clean look! Installed horizontally, do you think the depressed part would tend to gather dust and fingerprints hard to clean away? In wiping the hollow with a damp sponge or cloth, would firm pressure tend to leave soil in the angles? The other handles you've designed didn't raise any questions for me...

    Cabinet fronts are beautiful!

  2. Love seeing this new post. I check for one almost every day!

  3. Thanks judy, sorry i don't post as much here, it's pretty busy these days.

    you're right about this potentially becoming a goober-trap in the horizontal position. plus it does not look right with shaker style drawer fronts. it's okay, we'll use this for some other project...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey, no pressure! Retired lady has time to click on your site; working man has little time to add new pix!

  4. Seems too bulky to me...taking away from the clean lines of the doors. I like the smallest of the pulls in the previous post better than this one.

    Maybe something Krenovian?


  5. Mom changed all our drawer pulls with the remodel back in '03. Changed the hammered steel sheet stock to brushed chrome knobs about an inch in diameter. The old ones were sharp on the fingertips. The new ones are awful especially with damp hands. Too much tactile precision and "pinch force" required especially when in a hurry. Consider how it goes when moving fast in the kitchen preparing some epicurian delights. You want that drawer/door to open nowish and not have to apply some cutsie pie finger squeezings to affect the opps. Do you remember the pulls on your oak desks back at the MVH? Just blocks of oak with a slight bevel top and bottom into the door/drawer face. They look rectangular from the front. Maybe too simplistic - one of my problems - too much like something in a lab temp set-up, eh?

    The door fronts are spectacular!
