I hit Unplugged Shop's front page at least 3 times a day since so much cool stuff is happening there. While I read nearly all of the new blog entries, I always take close note of what Bob Rozaieski, Rob Porcaro, and Adam Cherubini are up to.
Start with the end here. I'm trying to set up our guest room as a library of sorts and am experimenting with various book shelving approaches:
Project started from recycled, old growth fir from my my favorite crustacean pit. Much work ensued removing rusty nails and getting the wood fairly true with my bench planes. The 2x12s forming the shelf planks were terribly cupped and twisted -- a real test of one's muscular stamina. The joinery itself was very simple once I decided on the approach. It's gappy even by my standards, but this is a prototype.

I wanted to minimize the 'thick-ankled' appearance of the material by tapering at the edges. A spokeshave and a scrub plane performed a majority of the shaping while a random orbit sander was invaluable during clean up some of the tool marks.
Glue up is always harried, but successful today. A rubber head hammer helped knock it into approximate squareness.
Now with a little tongue oil, ready for installation.
It's bolted to the wall via some tabs screwed/glued to the top shelf using toggle bolts: