Sunday, June 24, 2018

jonesborough afterword

well, here the finished sackback windsor from Curtis Buchanan's class sits with the final coat of varnish, scrubbed down using 0000 steel wool and then paste wax. this will be the ultimate writing chair in our guest room/library.
I was a bit worried about assembly after transit home, but i kept the spindles in a low oven for a few hours, and then used Titebond liquid hide glue. I love that glue now, it's not as grabby as yellow glue and has a bit more open time.
I also scabbed on a piece of the original oak to my little boo-boo on the outer perimeter of the handle. worked a treat.
here she stands with the base layer of barn-red milk paint. it's hard to see in the computer photos above how the red is expressed underneath a washcoat of black. but it's apparent. it i think is my favorite way of painting wood. it's hard to do and requires a lot of patience and also elbow grease.
i read this book on the airplane to/from Tennessee. It's a collection of 7 short stories, focusing on the hardscrabble family life of the Atlantic coast of Canada. i had to weep as discreetly as possible on the plane.
here is a very special spoon that i brought home from jonesborough. turns out it is fantastic at serving quinoa, just like the maker suggested. now onto building a shaving horse...and finding a proper riving froe...and maybe an axe...and putting that god damned table saw up for sale on craigslist...


  1. One sharp looking sackback Windsor

  2. I’ve been using that black/red milk paint combo .The photo doesn’t do justice of a beautiful finish.. “Eye Sweet” Chair.

  3. thank you folks - and yes you're right it's hard to capture in a photo what that red/black milkpaint effect achieves in real life (-:

  4. Well, that came out fantastic. Glad you got it all home safely and finally put together. After you make your shave horse, you'll still have to find a source for the right wood materials. Please let us know how that goes.

    Matt from Mountain View
